By: Ng Yi Shu
Barely a day after 21 Malaysians were arrested by the police for illegally gathering in the Merlion Park, a candlelight vigil entitled "Singaporeans in Solidarity with Malaysians" was held on Sunday in Hong Lim park.
Singaporeans gathered in support of their counterparts in Malaysia who have been protesting against electoral fraud, for which alleged evidence surfaced in the aftermath of the Malaysian General Election 2013. Expressing their solidarity with Malaysians on their freedom to voice out and the right to assemble in Malaysia.
The organizer of the event, Jolovan Wham, a social worker focusing on migrant workers' rights, was
warned by police that demonstrations in Hong Lim Park could not be held without a police permit if foreigners were going to participate. Plainclothes police was present throughout the event as recorded by
citizen journalists.
The Online Citizen wrote to Jolovan Wham for an interview to find out more.
1)What were the primary motivations for this event?
The spontaneous gathering at the Merlion park was what triggered it. I was moved and inspired by the dedication and passion the Malaysians showed for free and fair elections in their country. Our electoral system here in Singapore is also unfair. Our struggles and issues are similar and this was why I thought it was important to be united. Moreover, Malaysians are our cultural cousins and we have deep historical and familial ties with this country. When I heard that 9 of them were investigated for the first gathering, I was concerned and felt that it was important to show solidarity. And then when 21 were arrested, it galvanised me further and I said 'that's it' we need to do this. This is state oppression and harassment.
2) How do you feel about the 21 Malaysians arrested yesterday (11 May 2013)?
As Singaporeans, we need to stand up for them because what the police have done to the Malaysians is also what they have done to Singaporeans. Singaporeans activists and politicians have been subject to such oppression too. Look at SDP politicians and activists like Seelan Palay, Rachel Zeng, Isrizal and others. What has happened to the Malaysians will happen to us too. We need to support them as fellow human beings and realise that when we fight for their rights, we are also fighting for ours.
3) Do you feel that foreigners should be allowed to participate in the event you organised?
Of course! Why should there be discrimination?
4) How did you feel about the plainclothes police presence during the candlelight vigil?
It was state paranoia and harassment. They deployed so many plainclothes police personnel and state officers to patrol the place and record our proceedings. Alfian Sa'at was literally being followed by someone the whole time. He said he felt like a celebrity. For such a peaceful gathering, it was totally unnecessary.
6) How is the candlelight vigil related to the social work you do?
Social work is about human rights and social justice. Unfortunately, social work in Singapore claims it is not political. Democracy is what will ensure our well being and our rights. As social workers, it is a moral and ethical responsibility to be involved in this.
7) What was the point of singing Negaraku at the end of the candlelight vigil? (see video: link)
It is a show of respect for the people of Malaysia and an acknowledgement of their struggle for democracy and fair elections.